Wednesday, April 27, 2016

5/25/2013. - Day 60 - I Spend My Money on the Regular Miracles...

5/25/2013. - Day 60 - I Spend My Money on the Regular Miracles...

Today was largely uneventful. There are a handful of these days on my trip. To me, they aren't boring, but rather nice pauses, like commas in the middle of a long sentence. Days that I get to slow down for a moment in the midst of an incredible adventure. 

We dabbled in some yard work activities in the morning. Later this afternoon, Lana and I attended the weekly jazz session at the local strip club, the Saratoga. On Saturday’s, the club turns into a swanky jazz scene which we love attending together. We arrived home just in time to enjoy supper, courtesy of John Grinden. The night was topped off with a family movie and a good night’s sleep for all. It's so good to be with family

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