Monday, June 17, 2013

5/1/2013. - Day 36 - Mobility. And the Daily Grind.

5/1/2013. - Day 36 - Mobility. And the Daily Grind. 

Today was not too much to brag about, other than that I am again mobile and not lying helplessly on a couch all day. As always, when I dock somewhere for a longer period of time, there are the necessary errands to run, the mind numbing repacking and organizing of my luggage, and the laundry chore so that I have clean underwear, etc.  So I’m going to be somewhat productive.

I spend the day doing that while Jamie was off contributing to society and healing the sick and lame.

We had a night in and watched Argo, all of us settled into that fantastic couch of Jamie and Steve’s. Dodger even got to hang out with us up there as a reward for good behavior. Life is good in Charleston. 

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