Tuesday, January 19, 2016

5/21/2013. - Day 56 - Every Mile a Memory, Every Song Another Scene, From Some Old Movie Goin' Back in Time - You and Me

5/21/2013. - Day 56 - Every Mile a Memory, Every Song Another Scene, From Some Old Movie Goin' Back in Time - You and Me

Tuesday started with more job hunting, thankfully minus the rain. I was able to enjoy the city a little more due to not having to dodge weather elements.

My Gram and me at the lift bridge in 2001, just two years earlier. 

I visited my grandmother at her long term care facility tonight and had supper with her. She was very much alert and oriented, despite having Alzheimer's and not being fully with us, mentally, at all times. I'm thankful for these visits where she knows who I am, remembers details of my life, and can converse normally with me. I know that with this disease that won't always be the case. It's sad to think about, but I'm glad I can be here and have this time with her.

We really do switch roles as we grow, as we find our own independence and explore our parents are aging and begin to depend on us more and more. I always try to remember that a long time ago at an age where I can't remember, my parents and my grandparents had a lot of patience with me and showed a lot of understanding. I feel it's so important to keep that in mind now that my Gram is going to need us to greet her with patience and show her a different sort of compassion as the disease progresses.

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