Thursday, April 11, 2013

4/7/2013. - Day 12 - Rain drops. Rain boots. Rain clouds. More Rain.

4/7/2013. - Day 12 - Rain drops. Rain boots. Rain clouds. More Rain.

This morning I head to Our Savior's Lutheran church on Coburg Road. I have learned that Coburg Road leads to everything you need in Eugene--from shopping to salvation. It is again raining, so I'm wearing a nice skirt and rain boots. They are cute rain boots but seriously, enough with the rain.

As I walk out the door, I find my aunt Donna conversing with a neighbor. I ask if this is appropriate dress for church and the neighbor comments that it doesn't really matter what you wear; going to church is pretty much a ground breaking act in this region and attire is just bonus points. I am far from home.

Everyone in the congregation at Our Savior's is 75+, so it's basically the same demographic as in rural ND. The pastor is slightly annoyed with me for not signing the guest book upon entry but I was running behind and wanted to get into the sanctuary. He makes another effort during the sharing of the peace and asks if he can at least know my name, as if I am hostile and not signing the guestbook was a major declaration of a friendship standoff. Perhaps he is just not fond of rain boots. Or maybe he found a slug in his shoe this morning and that got him off to a poor start. Either way, I told him. My real name too, not a fake one like I sometimes use to save people the trouble of choking on their tongue when they try to pronounce "Arianne."

To make matters worse, he remembers my name when I take Communion so now I'm guilted into signing the guestbook. It's not that I don't want to be friendly or sign the freaking guestbook--it's that I'm being peer pressured into it and I just want to be welcomed not stared at under a microscope and forced to pronounce my name out loud. Gosh.

Nothing significant happens today and I'll save you from reading every minute detail of shopping at Costco, Trader Joes, and Euphoria Chocolate Company. It was, however, fun to see the town my aunt lives in and take a welcome break at home. We celebrate supper at McMenamins, a cozy place with a view of the Willamette River. Afterwards we enjoy some delicious hot chocolate before heading off to bed. 

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