Friday, March 29, 2013

3/27/2013. The Power of Prayer [on the side roads]

3/27/2013. The Power of Prayer [on the side roads]

It started out as a crazy idea, evolved into a tentative plan, and today became a real life journey.

A journey of discovering new friends, visiting old friends, learning to love new places and realizing why I love the old places so much, and losing myself and finding myself at the same time. They say if you aren’t happy, change something. So I changed everything. And the coolest part isn’t driving across the country—it’s how frequently the amazing response of “I’m praying for you” has surfaced in my emails, phone calls, and text messages. Oh and my “HeyTell” messages. (If you aren't familiar, download the app. You can't text and drive, but HeyTell turns your phone into a walkie talkie for little blurbs you can share as you go. And you can say “Roger that, 10-4, over and out, and all sorts of cool 2-way radio jargon.) Back to the subject of prayer—I’m overwhelmed at how great my friends are. It happens over and over again where I forget just how blessed I am to have amazing people who choose to be in my life. And now, God has not only blessed me with their presence, he has used them to remind me not just to have fun, be safe, or enjoy my trip-- but that while I’m out seeing the world and finding out more about who I am—I’m in the prayers in their hearts. And that is the most powerful and safe place to be. All I can humbly say is Thank You!! Thank you to my friends for being incredible people, and thank you to God for allowing me this amazing opportunity to spend time with those I love that happen to be scattered across the country!

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